Frequently Asked Questions

sample imageThis template package comes with a starter web site in .zip format and contains all of the pages and images you see here. Unzip the package and start editing the pages. We strongly recommend you keep a backup copy of the .zip in case you need to start over. We have included a basic site structure with common pages to help you get started. You may rename the pages, add more pages, and add your content. For more information, view the Getting Started page.

Can I change the colors?

You can easily change the colors of all elements by editing the included CSS file. This allows you to make any color changes to better suit your site branding. If you feel you need help with changing colors used in this template to meet your needs, we offer full customer support.

Can I change the images?

Yes, this template is designed so that you can replace our sample images with those of your own. For the small sample photo images, you can replace these with the image size of your choice. For information regarding watermarked photos, please see our Template Instructions page for details.

Can I add more pages?

Yes. We know you will want to add more pages, delete some of ours you do not need, rename pages, and change hyperlinks. You can also delete our small photos and add your own. The only limits are your own knowledge of your html editing software program, XHTML, and CSS.

How do I add my site name?

sample imageThe "Your Business Name" and the coompanying slogan/tag line is plain text (not an image), each wrapped in its own set of paragraph tags. The font, size, and color is set within the CSS file in the #logo id rule. More detailed instructions for how to add your site name and how to replace any watermarked images can be found on the Template Instructions page (located in the Resources folder of the template.)

Need Help Fast?

Need more? We also offer a variety of helpful resources as well as custom design services for your modification needs. Please visit our web site at for Expression Web template packages and for Dreamweaver template packages.