Clean Hydrogen Task Force  -- HCR-64

Louisiana is taking a lead position on expanding its energy industry.  While being blessed with low wholesale energy prices, many of our large high-temperature industrial manufacturers (like our river-parish refineries) require a larger fraction of there energy to be of a lower-carbon footprint ...or being supplied lower-carbon feedstock materials... so that their end-products can better compete on the global market.  Louisiana (and its rich energy-producing history) is positioned with its natural resources and talented workforce to provide them what they need and the free-market is willing to pay for.  The mission of the Clean Hydrogen Task Force is to study this entire landscape and make the recommendations to the legislature, governor, and our federal delegation to assure our state's primacy postition in this growing energy market is maintained.

Task Force Meetings (Agenda & Presentations)

Since the very first Clean Hydrogen Task Force meeting, I have been asked to make information, like the presentations shown, available to attendees and newcomers alike.  The below is an attempt to keep all information related to the task force (including subscribing/unsubscribing to the related distribution list) in one easily available and updateable place.

CHTF Meeting #1: Wednesday, July 31, 2024 -- Capitol HCRm#6 - Agenda

Zappi Title PageDr. Mark Zappi, University of Louisiana Lafayette's (bio) Executive Director of the Energy Institute of Louisiana
Pipe Dream is the title of the comprehensive presentation providing an overview of hydrogen production and Louisiana's place in it.  --Download Presentation - PDF --

Video Archive of Meeting -- A link to the State Legislative Website's Video Archive.

CHTF Meeting #2: Tuesday, october 1, 2024 -- Capitol HCRm#6 - Agenda

sample imageDr Greg Upton, Executive Director & Associate Professor
Research Center for Energy Studies, LSU (bio)
The Potential for Hydrogen in Louisiana the economics of the hydrogen global market and Louisiana's place (and opportunities) in it.
--Download Presentation - PDF --

sample imageCameron Poole (bio) & Leo Arnett (bio), GNO Inc
Presentation on the overview of Louisiana's incentives Programs known as H2Future and LFE (Louisiana Future Energy) program.
--Download Presentation - PPT --

Video Archive of Meeting -- A link to the State Legislative Website's Video Archive.

TBD -- CHTF Meeting #3: Early-December, 2024 -- Capitol HCRm#?

sample imagePlaceholder location for the next meeting

<To be filled in later>.

Task Force Team/Mission

The Louisiana State Legislative Website has a dedicated page to the Clean Hydrogen Task Force that provides contact information as well as task force members.

This page also has a link to the actual legislative resolution (HCR-64) that stood-up the task force as well as its intneded make-up, scope and purpose.

Partnering Companies

Happy to add (or remove) any company that attends or participates in our task force as well as a link to their clean energy initiative.

--Request Addition/Change/Removal

CHTF Distribution List

Do you want to stay abreast of the activities and meeting of the task force?  Please consider joining the Clean Hydrogen Task Force Email Distribution List.  Use the below links to be added to (or removed from) the list. 

Please Add My Email Address To The List
-- OR --
Remove My Email Address Off The List

Additional Resources

As additional resources, white-papers, news articles and newsletters of interest to the task force are provides, I will place them here.